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Monday, May 11, 2009

Confronting Islamization of the West

Confronting Islamization of the West
By: Jamie Glazov | Friday, July 11, 2008

How can the West prevail against the Islamist agenda? To discuss this question with us today, Frotnpage Symposium has assembled a distinguished panel. Our guests are:

Abul Kasem, an ex-Muslim who is the author of hundreds of articles and several books on Islam including, Women in Islam. He was a contributor to the book Leaving Islam – Apostates Speak Out as well as to Beyond Jihad: Critical Views From Inside Islam.

Steve Emerson, the executive director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism (, a non profit Washington DC based research group that investigates militant Islamic activities and networks on American soil and their ties to Islamic extremist groups overseas. He is the author or co-author of 6 books on national security or terrorism, including the bestseller "American Jihad." He and his staff have testified and briefed Congress dozens of times. He has outed numerous Islamic groups (i.e. CAIR, MPAC and MAS) that feign moderation but which, as Emerson has proven, are closet extremists and militants and all tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Robert Spencer, a scholar of Islamic history, theology, and law and the director of Jihad Watch. He is the author of seven books, eight monographs, and hundreds of articles about jihad and Islamic terrorism, including the New York Times Bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Religion of Peace?

Ayla Iqbal, a recent graduate from the University of Sussex with a degree in International Relations. She is currently working as a research analyst at the International Center for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (ICPVTR) in Singapore.

Rohan Gunaratna, the author of Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror (Columbia University Press). He is Head of the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research at the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore.A former Senior Fellow at the United States Military Academy's Combating Terrorism Centre at West Point, he is currently a Senior Fellow both at Fletcher School for Law and Diplomacy's Jebsen Centre for Counter Terrorism Studies and at the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, Oklahoma.


Ari Kruglanski, a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland, College Park. He has recently served as member of the National Academy of Science panels on counterterrorism, and educational paradigms in homeland security, and is serving on the NAS Board for Cognitive, Social and Sensory Processes. Kruglanski also serves as a co- PI at START (National Center for the Study of Terrorism and the Response to Terrorism), at the University of Maryland.

FP: Abul Kasem, Steve Emerson, Robert Spencer, Ayla Iqbal, Rohan Gunaratna and Ari Kruglanski, welcome to Frontpage Symposium.

Abul Kasem, let’s begin with you. In a recent interview we did together, you shed light on how Muslims exploit our own policy of multiculturalism to destroy our multiculturalism. In other words, they use our tolerance to destroy our tolerance. You call this “Islamic Multiculturalism.”

Let’s start with these questions: Is there any way we can stop it? And how can we achieve this as a free society?

Kasem: Surprisingly, it will not be that difficult to defeat the agenda of Islamists to plant the root of Islamic Multiculturalism in a free and democratic society. All that is needed is a good (or working) knowledge of Islam, its history of propagation through violence and terror, and its adoption of taqiyya and kitman when the going is tough.

Once non-Islamic the policy makers comprehend what Islam is about, it is quite straight forward to defeat it in its own game. In our interview, as well as in many of my other interviews, I have indicated a few methods to contain the rapid ingress of Islamic Multiculturalism,

Here are a few specific steps that the un-Islamic world might adopt to stop this menace:

[1] Adopt tough policies on the entry of Islamists to non-Islamic countries. However, we must make a distinction between the large number of in-name-only Muslims and the diehard, jihad-infused, conniving, pan-Islamists.

[2] Enforce strict restrictions on the construction of mosques and Islamic seminaries. If this sounds unethical/ and or infringing on the religious rights, please note the non-existence and disallowance of construction of non-Islamic worshipping centres in Islamic Paradises. We must call spade a spade.

[3] Stop paying jizya to the Islamists. Do not accede to any unreasonable demands solely by the Islamists. Keep other religious people in mind. Why must Islam be treated more favourably than other religions? Ask the Islamists this simple question.

[4] Halt the interfaith dialogue with Islam. Remember, Islam is uncompromising. There is no way Islam will accommodate un-Islam. Please read this sentence one more time and memorize. You will save a lot of time and money wasted to please Islam. We do not have to please Islam.

[5] Assert the un-Islamic (non-Islamic) cultures, traditions, customs and ethos. We must let the Islamic world learn a bit that the world is not prepared to accept its 7th century Arab Bedouin customs and laws.

[6] Reject any demand to impose Sharia in a non-Islamic society; even if it is in the pretence for Muslims only. Remember, Muslims are the first victims of Islam.

[7] Muslims migrating to non-Islamic countries must sign a declaration that they do not believe in pan-Islamism. If found contravening their signed declaration they should be stripped of their citizenship and promptly deported to the Islamic Paradise they had migrated from.

[8] Proselytizing by Islamic dawa must be strictly controlled, and if necessary, banned. If you think I am being unreasonable. Please look at the laws of Islamic Paradises (such as Malaysia, Pakistan, Sudan, Nigeria…) with regard to the propagation of other faith among the Muslims.

Once the civilized world adopts the above measures, we shall see how quickly Islamic Multiculturalism vanishes from the non-Islamic world.

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