Isam at Work

Isam at Work
This is a EVIL CULT!

Just Say NO

Just Say NO

Islam and Jihad

Islam and Jihad
Wake up!

Defending Freedom

Defending Freedom
Freedom is worth fighting for!

What does Freedom cost?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sharia Law...The easiest way to lose your head!

Shariah Comes to Buffalo, New York?

The gruesome story below is more than just a brutal homicide. The Muslim leader who turned himself in and has been charged with murder beheaded his wife.

It will be interesting to see how much attention the news media pays to this story. It will be even more revealing to see if anyone in the media investigates why this Muslim leader chose beheading as a means to murder his wife.

Will the media look into what the Qur’an and Hadith say about beheading enemies? Will the media look into the relationship between honor killings, beheadings, and shariah law? Will the media investigate this man’s background, and how he worked to raise money in Saudi Arabia for his television station?

Or will political correctness trump investigative journalism?


Muzzammil Hassan, right, founder of Bridges TV, is charged with murder in the beheading of his wife, Aasiya Hassan, left, in Orchard Park.

Updated: 02/13/09 09:54 PM

Prominent Orchard Park man charged with beheading his wife

By Gene Warner
News Staff Reporter

Orchard Park police are investigating a particularly gruesome killing, the beheading of a woman, after her husband — an influential member of the local Muslim community — reported her death to police Thursday.

Police identified the victim as Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37. Detectives have charged her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, with second-degree murder.

"He came to the police station at 6:20 p.m. [Thursday] and told us that she was dead," Orchard Park Police Chief Andrew Benz said late this morning.

Muzzammil Hassan told police that his wife was at his business, Bridges TV, on Thorn Avenue in the village. Officers went to that location and discovered her body.

Muzzammil Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004, amid hopes that it would help portray Muslims in a more positive light.

The killing apparently occurred some time late Thursday afternoon. Detectives still are looking for the murder weapon.

"Obviously, this is the worst form of domestic violence possible," Erie County District Attorney Frank A. Sedita III said today.

Authorities say Aasiya Hassan recently had filed for divorce from her husband.

"She had an order of protection that had him out of the home as of Friday the 6th [of February]," Benz said.

Muzzammil Hassan was arraigned before Village Justice Deborah Chimes and sent to the Erie County Holding Center.


ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.


Obama's "New New Deal" -- and YOUR Money

Dear Fellow Conservative,

You know what really irritates me about liberals? (Besides the fact that they're spineless little girls in pretty dresses who can't play rough because it musses up their hair...)

They always think liberalism fixes the problem -- even when it was liberalism that caused the problem in the first place!

Case in point, the Financial Meltdown of 2008 (and counting). To hear liberals tell it, it all goes back to Ronald Reagan -- who with his seductive "B-actor" charm fooled America into thinking that by slashing taxes, regulation, and government spending we could unleash free enterprise and create a new wave of prosperity.

Sure, liberals concede, that seemed to work for, oh, the better part of three decades, but now we're paying the price for all that "greed." The solution? A return to the pre-Reagan policies of Jimmy Carter, LBJ, FDR... Speaking of which, what will victory look like in the "War on Poverty"? When are they going to produce an "exit strategy" from that quagmire?

Unfortunately, the facts -- as always when you're talking about liberal theories -- tell a different story. A story in which all the major villains, it turns out, have one thing in common: government.

That's right. From the "Community Reinvestment Act" that pressured banks into affirmative-action lending, to those "government-sponsored enterprises" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- who bought up all the resulting subprime loans and repackaged them as "investment grade" securities -- the greasy thumb-prints of government were all over this fiasco from beginning to end.

But those, as I say, are facts. And facts have no place in the fantasy world of Democratic policy-makers. Nor does history -- true history, that is, as opposed to the public-school propaganda that teaches, for instance, that FDR's New Deal got us out of the Great Depression, when in reality it only deepened and prolonged it.

But the question remains: What can those of us in the fast-dwindling, Reality-Based Community do to survive financially as the Obamacrats prepare a "New New Deal" that threatens to outspend the original by about ten thousand to one?

Personally, I don't have a clue. But thank goodness I know of someone who does.

His name is Mark Skousen, Ph.D., editor of the investment newsletter Forecasts & Strategies -- and he just might be the smartest financial advisor working today.

Don't let that "Ph.D." fool you -- this is no pointy-headed leftist like Obama's economic team who seem to think that all the economy needs in order to flourish are more liberals running the economy.

Skousen, after all, launched his career by predicting during the 1980-82 recession -- and to the scornful laughter of nearly all the other so-called experts -- that "Reaganomics will work."

Boy, did he get that right. And boy, has he gotten it right ever since:

Like when he issued a "sell everything" recommendation to his Forecasts & Strategies subscribers just 41 days before the stock market crash of 1987 -- then told them to get fully invested again several weeks later, just in time for the recovery.

And when he called the Gulf War of 1990 "a turning point for U.S. stocks" -- and the Dow subsequently began a bull market that didn't end for nearly 10 years.

And when he told his subscribers in 1995 that the NASDAQ would double, and then double again -- which is exactly what it did.

And when, just weeks before the NASDAQ collapsed in 2000, he warned his subscribers that tech stocks were dangerously overvalued.

And when, in 2006 -- more than two years before the financial meltdown -- he warned subscribers that "we clearly are headed for fiscal disaster," and showed them how to protect themselves.
What's Skousen's secret? I think it begins with understanding the real laws of economics -- not the warmed-over Marxism that passes for "new thinking" to Obama's media groupies.

And here's the best thing about Mark Skousen. He knows how to make you money no matter how bad things get in the financial markets and the economy overall.

After all, he points out, the late billionaire John Templeton -- whom Money magazine called "the greatest stock-picker of the 20th century" -- began to build his vast fortune in the depths of the Great Depression.

Maybe you're not looking to be a billionaire. Maybe you're just looking to keep your head above water while the Obamacrats do their best to sink the economy. Either way, Mark Skousen can help -- and I urge you to give his Forecasts & Strategies a try.

The cost? Less than the tip on a John Edwards haircut -- in today's dollars, that is. After Obama gets done driving down the value of the dollar it wouldn't be enough to buy Governor Rod Blogojevich a haircut.

Click here to learn more.


Ann Coulter

Friday, February 13, 2009

Is The Ship Really Going Down???

February 12, 2009 - 12:35 ET
12 Values
Hard Work
Personal Responsibility
See our complete 9 Principles We Surround Them page...

GLENN: But there's more because the secret is really truly in We the People.

Nobody is really talking about solutions. They are talking about Band-Aids. Let me just share with you just an analogy here with the Titanic. The Titanic is going down. Who cares about the ship. It's the people on board because the people can go and build another ship and it can be better and stronger and take the things that we learned from this ship, which we did, and build another better one. It's the people on board, not the ship. And the captain is woken up from a dead sleep and they say, "Captain, captain, we hit an iceberg." Now, somebody went down to look at the hole. They knew what it was and they came back up. And the captain said, "Can we seal it off." "No, captain, this is really bad." So what should the captain do? The captain immediately should say, "Head for the lifeboats."

The second thing you should do is basically what he has done. "Would you guys just play some music here so people don't freak out?" But he shouldn't say that until he said, "Can we patch the hole." "No, captain, we can't." "Is there anything we can do to slow the sinking down?" "Well, we could try this and this and this." "Good, try it. Slow it down." "But captain, you know it's going to sink anyway?" "Yes, I do. Slow it down." Why would the captain want to do that? Because he wants more people in the lifeboat because he knows it's not the ship. It's the people. Slow the sinking down.

I contend, and I have this from good authority that that is exactly what the idea was back in November. The ship is sinking. Slow it down. Get more people into the lifeboats. But people are in denial. This ship, they are the people that are still sitting in the bar at the Titanic. It's a Titanic! It's unsinkable! It will never sink. Those are the people -- don't be one of those people. Too many Americans are still sitting in that bar. Too many Americans are saying, "Oh, it's the Titanic, I'm not getting out -- it's cold outside. It's not going to sink. Until it's too late and then they're trapped. The problem is the captain, nobody believes the captain. They believe the captain has ulterior motives because the captain has been untrustworthy. And it's not Obama. It's Obama and it's been Bush and it's been the Treasury, the last one, this one, the Fed, the congress. Nobody's told us the truth. So we don't trust any of the crew members. So you've got to look for somebody in your life that you do trust and everybody's looking for somebody they trust. Be that person. The ship is sinking. Get people into a lifeboat. The nine principles are the first step, but in the next few minutes I'm going to lay out the second step and the third. Here's the second step. The nine principles can't stand by their own. Now, I have done -- somebody called me and asked me, "Glenn, where did you get the nine principles." They really came from me of just digesting the founding fathers. I went to religious text, I went to different faiths to look at what their theology taught, I read the words of the founding fathers, the 5,000 Year Leap, the Boy Scout handbook. I took all of this stuff and then I just sat with it for a while and I came up with the nine principles. But I also came up with values. Because if the point is We the People, if that's how this whole system was designed and if the ship is going down and it's not the ship, it's the people, if you really, truly believe in the people, well, then power to the people works both ways. The people also are responsible for the downfall. The people, not just the Fed, not just those greedy Wall Streeters, not just the heads of banks, not just the people in congress but each of us, to varying degrees each of us. Believe me, I don't know if you've been a long-term listener of this program but hopefully you've heard a change in my voice in the last six months and the last year and the last two years and anybody who's been listening since I started doing talk radio in 2000. There's a difference in my voice. Hopefully a little bit more responsible. I still am a stupid, you know, self-educated guy from time to time. I still say stupid things that I regret. I still say things in comedy that people take out of context, but I am not the guy who says the donkeys are bad and the elephants are good. I will say, "Here's a good donkey, here's a good elephant, here's a bad elephant, here's a bad donkey."
More importantly, it's not about the individuals, it's about the direction that they're taking us and the direction that we set for ourselves, and we can correct all of these problems if we have the nine principles and then the twelve values.

So here are the twelve values, and we'll go over these a little bit at a time, but the twelve values are honesty. The problem is we don't have any trust for one another anymore. Bernie Madoff, the banks, the politics, there's no honesty. We must mean what we say and say what we mean. As individuals, never let anyone -- make a vow today. You will never let anyone doubt your word. Believe me, it is going to take you a very long time to change that. I have been trying since 1996 and people still doubt my word from time to time if they don't know me. That's okay. I understand that. Mean what you say and say what you mean.

Reverence. Reverence. Why reverence? The lack of reverence causes a brashness, a coarseness, a noise in our society. Reverence has -- a lack of reverence has us watching the cakes and the circuses. Quick! Reverence to me means quiet, reflective, be still, listen, ponder. In our society we have not given any time to something that's extraordinarily important. Reverence. Silence. Ponder.

Hope. A lot of people say that I don't have a lot of hope. I do. The opposite of hope is death, destruction, despair, but hope is just a belief in the potential, just a belief in America's promise. But you have to know what that promise is. You have to know what America is. That goes back to the nine values -- the nine principles. Get the nine principles. You know who you are, you know what America. That's where your hope comes from. There will be a brighter tomorrow. It's what helps a single mom get up every day: Hope.

Thrift. We've become a disposable society, everything. How many times do your kids just have a toy and drop it? How many times have your kids said this to you? My kids have: Oh, well, I broke it; we'll get another one. I started saying about a year ago, "No, we won't. We'll fix it and if it can't be fixed, then we don't have another one." "What?" If we just understood thrift and life isn't disposable, how would we change our policies on life? How would we change our policies on the Earth? These are things that we could all agree on. Nobody wants the Earth to die. Nobody wants the Earth to be 1,000 degrees. Nobody wants that. Just thrift. Just understand that nothing is disposable, from people to things to the planet to the individual.

Humility. Opposite is an empire building, empire builder: "We're the empire! We're America!" Humility. It's the opposite of what we've learned from Wall Street. It's the opposite of what we have from Paris Hilton and the Prada purses, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. A humble society doesn't have a Prada purse with a little dog. They never say, "Well, we know better." If we're humble, we can find the real true us, flaws and all. We're willing to look at the "Us."

Charity, I think the opposite of charity is socialism. It's greed. But we've tried to force charity down. Charity is not socialism and socialism is not charity. Charity is about us as individuals. We care. We want to change our heart. Government's not charity. Charity's not patriotic. Pure charity is to be god-like. We lose our focus on ourself and worry about others.

Sincerity. Just live what you believe. Obama wants us to be more charitable. Joe Biden wants us to be more charitable. Joe Biden's never paid more than .8% of his income to charity. Obama just started to do it when he was running for president, and he's giving, what, 7% of his salary? Good for him. Now when nobody's watching Barack Obama, when you're long past the time that you were president, will you still be giving? I'm going to -- I'll say yes. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that, yes, you'll still be giving. But that's what sincerity really truly is all about. Be sincere. Live what you believe.

The next one is moderation. Moderation. Moderation in everything is good. By the way, a lot of these came from George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. These are the things they looked at. This list like this they looked at every single day. Moderation. Benjamin Franklin said I'm not going to eat too much and I'm not going to drink too much. But really it's bigger than that. It's moderating our passions. You know, just moderate your passions. That's okay to do a little of everything. I'm an alcoholic. I can't do a little of things. So I don't do any of them. But moderate your passions. It's good to prepare for things. It would be bad for you to be living in a fallout shelter right now. But prepare. You do little things. You just stay aware. Moderation.

Hard work. I think we are being led right into a place, you know where the work ethic in America really changed was with the New Deal. Historians will tell you now that that was a pivot point in America. People worked hard. Well, you know what? If you're dependent -- the opposite of hard work is dependence. If you are dependent, you'll eventually be a slave. You lower your self-esteem. You limit your growth. But if you have hard work, you are growing, you're independent, you have self-worth. You know your own capabilities. You're honest about yourself on your limitations. You have long-term thinking. When you're working hard, you're working toward something. That gives you hope.

Courage. You don't have courage if you don't stand up, you'll look the hand that feeds you, said Patrick Henry. The opposite is cowering, panic, fear. It eventually leads to slavery. If you don't stand up, you'll lick the hand that feeds you. But where does courage come from? I think it's from living the principles and the values, honesty, hope, humility, belief in God, knowing who you are, knowing what you believe, knowing how it ends, knowing how it began. I know that people will think that I'm crazy and that's fine, but I think we're living in difficult times, and I have pondered, how does this end. I have only truly prayed for guidance and courage to do the things that he would want me to do, to say the things that he would want me to say and in the end to have the courage not to falter, to have the courage to know what the truth is because I can face anything, you can face anything if you know who you are and what's important.

Personal responsibility. Everybody wants to put the responsibility on the Democrats or the Republicans or as I did yesterday, the Fed. But you know what? Personal responsibility, did I take out too much, did I do too much, should I have done that. Own up to your own things because that's the only way you'll change things. It's okay if you make mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes. It humbles us, and if we're honest with each other and honest with ourselves, we become stronger.

And the last one is friendship. We all know what friendship is, but how many real friends do we have? We're researching out now in virtual friendships and everything else. We need to expand our circle of friendship. We need to start trusting one another again. We need to start seeing our neighbors again. We need to -- have you considered that if things melted down who your neighbors are? Do you trust them? Do they trust you? Can you count on each other? Our grandparents counted on each other. They counted on the neighbor. They would bring each other pies and they would share what they had. They would help each other. A lot of people would look at that, "Oh, my gosh, he was talking about, oh, it's going to break down so bad that it's going to be..." that's a good thing. As much as I hated that little street that I wrote about in my book The Christmas Sweater that my grandparents lived on, as much as I hated that when I was a kid, I'd give my right arm to live on that street again where everybody knew each other, everybody worked together. It was like a big family on that little street. While I don't have to move there, why aren't all of our streets like that now? In time I believe they're going to become those streets again and many will say that's a bad thing. Many will avoid it and they will stand in the bar there in the Titanic and you will just quietly be there to say, "Come on, into the boat. It's going to be okay." And then we will all go to shore, put our lives back in order and build a better boat.

Please share these with your friends. You'll find them both now up on the website at Share them with your friends. If you believe in these values and you believe in these principles and you want to take a stand for these, you promise that you will live your life by these and then you will view all of the events for the day and you look for the solution of the events of the day through these values and these nine principles, then I want you to take a picture of yourself right now and send it to me at, The first step is saying I'm responsible, I'm going to take a stand, I want my voice to be heard but I have something worth hearing because I know who we are. More importantly, I know who I am, and I will apply the values and the principles that I expect others to live by to my own life. Put that in a photograph to me and send it to Then send this e-mail that you'll find on the website to all of your friends, all of your neighbors, all those who might be saying, "It's not really -- really? What did we do?" Create your own lifeboat. I'll tell you what we're driving to, next.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fredom Freedom now that is a sweet sound!!! so sing my brothers and sisters while our voice is still being heard!!!

GOD BLESS AMERICA and all who stand for the way, I love Israel and the Jewish people, and believe they are in the Land that ALMIGHTY GOD GAVE TO THEM...

With that said i believe our freedoms are under attack by political correctness. I believe that Islam is a cult and is directly attacking the free world to dominate with a tyrrany government! They wish to rule the world and force everyone to convert to islam or die!

This is a real threat to free people or non muslim around the globe! They do not care about human rights...only what the quran states and that is death to all infidels...a infidel is anyone that is non muslim!


The following is a poem written by Judge Roy Moore from Alabama. Judge Moore was sued by the ACLU for displaying the Ten Commandments in his courtroom foyer.
He has been stripped of his judgeship and now they are trying to strip his right to practice law in Alabama!
The judge's poem sums it up quite well.

America the beautiful,or so you used to be.Land of the Pilgrims' pride;I'm glad they'll never see.

Babies piled in dumpsters,Abortion on demand,Oh, sweet land of liberty;your house is on the sand.

Our children wander aimlesslypoisoned by cocaine choosing to indulge their lusts,when God has said abstain.

From sea to shining sea,our Nation turns away From the teaching of God's love and a need to always pray

We've kept God in our temples,how callous we have grown. When earth is but His footstool,and Heaven is His throne.

We've voted in a government that's rotting at the core, Appointing Godless Judges;who throw reason out the door.

Too soft to place a killer in a well deserved tomb,But brave enough to kill a babybefore he leaves the womb.

You think that God's not angry, that our land's a moral slum? How much longer will He waitbefore His judgment comes?

How are we to face our God,from Whom we cannot hide? What then is left for us to do,but stem this evil tide?

If we who are His children,will humbly turn and pray;Seek His holy faceand mend our evil ways:

Then God will hear from Heaven;and forgive us of our sins,He'll heal our sickly landand those who live within.

But, America the Beautiful,If you don't - then you will see,A sad but Holy Godwithdraw His hand from Thee.

~~Judge Roy Moore~~
This says it all. May we all forward this message and offer our prayers for Judge Moore to be blessed and for America to wake up and realize what we need to do to keep OUR America the Beautiful.
Pass this on and let's lift Judge Moore up in Prayer. He has stood firm and needs our support. IN GOD WE TRUST!


you tube channel- - center of media activity

infidell task force web site...please look around and you are welcome to join!

Look, If we choose to put our heads in the sand, this problem will not just go away! If we do nothing than nothing gets done.

What can i do you might ask???

You can join a team where we are actively educating people to this threat...

you can pass information along untill everyone hears this message

and threat to our very ways of life is abolished!

Thank You for Listening and Your Time!Annie

9:26:00 AM
by freedomannie